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Children's Dance Curriculum

Kids Dance
Dance with Me: Creative Movement

(2-4 years)

Mondays 4:00-4:45pm


Explore movement and coordination with your child through fun and energizing dance exercises, poses and games. Parents are asked to assist young dancers with challenging positions and moves and to demonstrate positive classroom behavior. 

Pre-Primary Dance in Chattanooga

(3-5 years)

Mondays 4:45pm-5:30pm, Wednesdays 4-4:45, Thursday 10-10:45, Fridays 4-4:45 pm or Saturdays 9:00am-9:45am

In this class, dancers will attend without a parent in the room. Using fun and creative themes, students will learn concepts preparing them for ballet, modern, and jazz dance while improving coordination, brain development, flexibility, strength, problem solving skills and more.

Ballet for Kids in Chattanooga
Primary Dance Ballet (4-6 years)

Wednesdays 5:30-6:15, Thursdays 4:00-4:45, Saturdays 9:45-10:30

Perfect for children in pre-K and kindergarten, children learn the basic positions and steps in ballet. With a fun and creative syllabus, dancers will learn about a new ballet each month in their warm-up, stretches, port de bras, ballet walks, jumps and combinations

Fun Kids Dance
Primary Acro/Modern (4-6 years)

Thursdays from 4:45pm-5:30pm 

This class is ideal for dancers in pre-K and kindergarten and includes basic skills to develop strength, stamina, and flexibility. Dance time will include fun exercises to warm-up, condition, stretch, build skills, and create. 

Creative Kids in Chattanooga
Primary Jazz/Hip-Hop (4-6 years)

Wednesdays 4:45-5:30 or Saturday 10:30am-11:15am

Pre-K and Kindergarteners will jam out with some exciting combinations. Class time includes the study of isolations, conditioning, stretching, movement qualities, and final dances. 

Best Ballet in Chattanooga
Ballet I

(6-8 years)

Monday 4:15-5 pm or Saturday 9:15-10 am

Ballet I is ideal for children in first grade and for children in second grade who have had no previous ballet experience. Young dancers learn beginning barre and center work so they may build upon a strong foundation on ballet technique. All dancers are highly encouraged to also take Modern/Jazz I to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum. 

Jazz Dance for kids
Modern and Jazz I

(6-8 years)

Mondays 5-5:45 or Saturday 10-10:45am

Modern and Jazz Level I is ideal for students in the first grade and student in the second grade who have no previous dance experience. Young dancers learn basic body mechanics and work to increase body awareness, flexibility and strength in a fun and creative environment. All dancers are encouraged to also take Ballet I to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum. 

Ballet for Kids
Ballet II

(7-10 years)

Tuesday 4:00-5:00 or Saturday 9:15-10 am

Dancers who are eligible to take Ballet II must first have completed one year of Ballet I or must be in the 3rd or 4th grade if they have no previous ballet experience. Dancers build upon beginning ballet barre and center work. Ballet II curriculum includes working with one hand on the barre, arabesques, preparation for pirouettes, and basic allegro vocabulary. All dancers are encouraged to also take Modern/Jazz II to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum.

Kids Dance in Chattanooga
Modern and Acro II

(7-10 years)

Mondays 5-5:45 or Saturday 10-10:45

This class is ideal for students who have completed one year of Modern/Jazz I or for students in the third or fourth grade who have no previous dance experience. Dancers will grain strength and flexibility that will help them with contemporary skills and learn basic concepts in acro.  

Hip-Hop in Chattanooga
Jazz/Hip Hop II

(7-10 years)

Tuesdays 5-5:45

A fun and energizing class preparing dancers for acro and practicing hip-hop basics. Dancers will grain strength and flexibility that will help them with contemporary skills and learn basic concepts in acro and hip-hop dance. Dancers will learn basic body mechanics based on Graham, Laban, and Bartenieff. Jazz time will include isolations, jazz walks, jazz pirouette preparations, and leaps. Dancer are encouraged to also take a ballet class to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum.

Best Ballet in Chattanooga
Ballet III

(8-13 years)

Thursdays 5:30-6:45pm 

Dancers who are eligible to take ballet III must first have completed one year of Ballet II or must be in the fifth, sixth, seventh grade if they have no previous ballet experience. Ballet III curriculum includes full barre work, basic center adage, single pirouettes and an increase vocabulary in allegro. All dancers are encourage to also take a modern/jazz class to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum. 

Chattanooga Dance
Modern and Acro III

(8-13 years)

Friday  430-530

Modern and Jazz III is for students who have completed one year of Modern and Jazz II or for students in the fifth, sixth, or seventh grade who have had no previous dance experience. Dancers will practice floor work to strengthen the core and arm muscles, and will practice moving effectively at different levels. Dancers will prepare for extensions in parallel and turned out positions, as well as single pirouettes, leaps, and simple combinations at the end of class. 

Best Dance in Chattanooga
Modern Fridays 4:45-6
Jazz IV-V Fridays 6-7:15

(9 years and up)


This intermediate level of modern and jazz is designed for students who have completed the level III Modern and Jazz class and for dancers ages 13 and up with no previous dance experience. Dancers will learn body mechanics based on Graham, Laban, and Bartenieff fundamentals, while increasing stamina, strength, and flexibility. Jazz time will include jazz walks, single pirouettes, and various leaps. Dancers are encouraged to take at least one ballet class per week to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum.

Ballet in Chattanooga
Ballet IV

(9-14 years)

Wednesday 4:30-5:45pm, or Thursday 5:30pm-6:45pm

Dancers who are eligible to take Ballet VI must first have completed one year of Ballet III or the equivalent. Ballet IV vocabulary includes expectations in flexibility, center adagio work, single pirouettes, continuation in studies of allegro and a refined performance quality. It is recommended that Ballet IV dancers take ballet twice per week and are also encouraged to take a modern/jazz class.

Acro dance in Chattanooga
Acro IV-VI

(9 years and up)

Tuesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm or Friday 4:30-5:30

Students will work on conditioning, flexibility, contortions, and strength as they gain confidence of their body in space. Vocabulary includes, but is not limited to bridge variations, cartwheel variations, handstands, and walkovers. 

Hip-Hop in Chattanooga
Hip-Hop IV-VI Thursdays Tuesday 5:45-6:45 or Fridays 5:30-6:30

(9 years and up years)

Jazz IV-VI Fridays 5:30-6:30 or Fridays 6:00-7:15

This fun and appropriate hip-hop class is sure to keep dancers feeling great. Warm ups consist of conditioning and stretching exercises and end of class routines will include exciting and appropriate hip hop combinations. Classes are always taught in a supportive and encouraging environment. 

Ballet in Hixson
Ballet V

(10 years and up)

Monday 5:30-7:15 pm and Wednesday 4:30-5:45 pm

Dancers who are eligible to take Ballet V must first have completed one year of Ballet IV, or one year of Adult Ballet Basics. Ballet V vocabulary includes expectations in flexibility, intermediate barre vocabulary, extensions in center, single pirouettes from different positions, strong vocabulary in allegro work, and pre-pointe preparations. Ballet V dancers are encouraged to take ballet two times per week and a take modern/jazz class to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum.

Pre-Professional Dance in Chattanooga
Ballet VI

(11 years and up)

Mondays 5:30-7:15 pm and Wednesdays 4:30-5:45

Ballet VI vocabulary includes intermediate barre work, 90° or higher extensions in center adage, double pirouettes, and strong intermediate level allegro work. Ballet VI dancers will begin their first pointe work at the end of class, twice per week. Dancers en pointe are required to take ballet two times per week and encouraged to also take modern and jazz classes to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum.

Chattanooga Dance Studio
Modern VI-VII

(11 years and up)

Friday 4:45-6 or Mondays 6:45-8:00

This intermediate modern class will build on concepts learned in lower levels. Dancers will practice floor work, extensions 90 degrees or higher in parallel and turned out positions, grounding while moving quickly throughout space, intermediate leap combinations, and more complicated choreography. 

Best Ballet training
Ballet VII

(12 years and up)

Tuesday (Pointe) 6:30-7:45pm, Wednesday 6:15-7:30 pm and Thursdays 5:00-6:45

Ballet VII vocabulary includes pre-advanced barre work, expectations for high extensions, double pirouettes and pre-advanced petite and grand allegro vocabulary. Pointe work will be performed at the barre and in center. Dancers are encouraged to take three ballet classes per week and take additional classes in modern and jazz dance to complete a well-rounded dance curriculum.

Teen Dance in Chattanooga

(11 years and up)

Wednesday 6:00-7:15 pm

Warm ups will include isolations, core strengthening exercises, conditioning, and deep stretching. In this pre-advanced level, dancers are expected to have properly placed extensions 90 degrees or higher. Students will practice double pirouettes, exciting leap exercises, and fun end of class combinations. 

Hip-Hop in Chattanooga
Hip-Hop VII-Advanced

(12 years and up)

Mondays 5:45-6:45 or Tuesdays 5:45-6:45

Classes consist of warm ups designed to improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular stamina. Choreographed routines cover a range of styles and movements used in hip hop dance. Class is always taught in a supportive and friendly environment.  

Best Ballet in Hixson
Ballet VIII

(13 years and up)

Tuesday (Pointe) 6:30-7:45pm, Wednesday 6:15-7:30 and Saturday 10:45-12

Intermediate and advanced acro students will combine the athletics of gymnastics and the art of dance. Vocabulary includes, but is not limited to walkovers variations, cartwheel variations, unique intermediate and advanced leaps, positions, and tumbles. 

Pre-Professional Dance
Modern VIII-Advanced

(13 years and up)

Monday 6:45-8

Dancers will warm up with complicated floorwork, conditioning, and deep stretching. With impressive extensions, soaring leaps, and pre-professional quality, dancers will explore body levels, shapes, speeds, and more with intricate combinations. 

Advanced Ballet in Chattanooga
Jazz VIII-Advanced

(13 years and up)

Thursdays 6:45-8

Expect intense conditioning and stretching in this pre-professional class! Dancers will practice turns in various positions, Multiple turn pirouettes, 180 degree extensions, and an assortment of leaps. End of class combinations will push dancers to new levels!

Advanced Ballet

(14 years and up)

Tuesday(Pointe) 6:30-7:45pm, Wednesday 6:15-7:30,

and Saturday 10:45-12 pm

At this pre-professional level, Advanced dancers are expected to have 180 extensions, practicing multiple pirouettes en pointe, hops on pointe, complicated batterie, and impressive grand allegro. Dancers will study classical variations and prepare for professional work.


Chattanooga Dance Theatre is Proud to Partner with these organizations:

Acro Dance in Hixson
Dance Store in Chatt
Dance Organization Chattanooga
Come dance with us! 
Call Now: 423-760-8808

Chattanooga Dance Theatre

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